Our Toddler Program is specially designed for children aged 12 to 36 months, focusing on fostering curiosity, exploration, and early development. Based on cutting-edge brain research, our curriculum offers age-appropriate learning experiences that stimulate cognitive and motor skills during this critical growth period.
At this stage, your toddler is experiencing rapid growth, making it the perfect time to nurture key developmental milestones. Our program focuses on:
Our Toddler Program is built on research-backed methods that prioritize brain development. The curriculum includes:
We believe in providing each toddler with the individual care and attention they need to thrive. Our teachers focus on your child’s unique strengths, ensuring that their developmental needs are met in a nurturing environment.
Enroll Your Toddler Today!
Give your child a head start in learning and development with our specialized Toddler Program. Enroll today and set the foundation for lifelong success!
Here at BBO we want our students to be elated about attending school and even more excited about learning.
7:00AM – 6:00PM Monday-Friday